Frequently Asked Questions
A group rate is available at Hampton Inn Kernersville. Book using this link or reference the group code, CHHON.
150 Clayton Forest Drive
Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 -
Officially, we allow American-made cars manufactured up to the very early 1960s (ideally in 1954 and earlier). We prefer that they be "hot-rodded" or customized (not stock) in a style reminiscent of Pre- and Post- WWII America. A few things that we try to steer away from are radial tires, alternators, disc brakes, electric fans, air conditioning, electronic fuel injection, etc. We do not accept rat rods, street rods, art/concept cars, or muscle cars.
Handwritten invitations are sent via the U.S. Postal Service. We are not aware of every eligible car in existence. If you have or are aware of a vehicle that you think might fit the show, let us know! Use the contact form or email us at Pictures and details are very helpful.
Yes. The fee is $50.00.
The invitation is your award.

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